domingo, 28 de junho de 2009

Fail in love

People who speaks a lot of languages say that German has a word for everything. Portuguese spoken people love it's complexity and the way you can express too many feelings with accuracy. In the other hand, there are those who think that English is of low complexity and sintethic. Good for business, but bad to describe situations.
Since I've been reading, talking and trying to understand English for so many years, I would like to inform that I really don't know if it's better to describe a morning walk around as "morgenspaziergang" ou "passeio matinal", but seems to me much easier to say, if it's 7:00 a.m., that "I'm gonna walk around for a while". The English expression has the exactly meaning of what I want to do. I won't martially walk over public gardens on a predetermined route, like the german expression suggests. Neither I will be going to a morning sightseeing event, like the Portuguese version, in a rare disciplined interpretation, leaves me believing.
Other quite precise English expression is "fall in love". Sounds perfectly. Much more than be "apaixonado", for instance. 
Love can be nice, love is a noble feeling, but when you "fall in love" all the risks related to that kind of relationship with other person are automatically understood. If you find yourself "fell in love" you know you are in a situation that can be wonderful, but has some traps. Is there any expression like this one in Portuguese, French or German ? I doubt.
Once, paying attention to  the lyrics of a blues, I suddenly realized that the expression "fall in love" was being replaced by "fail in love". Perfect.
To love a woman brings you risks, if you are really "fallen in love". But the riskiest thing is to fail, when you don't want to.
I failed in love so many times that now I believe it's a characteristic of my behaviour. But it makes me feel so bad, that I learned that the worst risk of falling in love could be failing in love.
Those who fail pays the price, alone, in a deep mourning, that can lasts minutes or ages. But, for sure, is painful, it hurts more than any other injuries due to a broken relationship.
And now, just to put an end to this self-indulgence small text, I would like to ask: If I wrote in Portuguese, the meaning would be the same ? For sure, not. That's why sometimes I pay my tribute to English. It's the language that express better complex situations in a sudden, short, and - why not ? - shocking straight beautiful expression. 

Um comentário:

  1. Por quê acredita que se expressa melhor em inglês? As coisas que já li suas, são inesquecíveis!
    Paixão, amor são sentimentos lindos porém ás vezes deixamos que coisas ruins que temos dentro de nós estrague tudo!
    A grande "Guerra Santa" é lutar contra nós mesmos, melhor dizendo, lutar contra o que temos de pior e o que o Corão chama de vícios humanos: egoísmo, egocentrismo, narcisismo, sede de poder...
